Monday, August 31, 2009

The ol' alcohol-enhanced text-messaging trick

I went to a wedding this past weekend. It was probably the best wedding I have ever been to. As part of the bridal party, we stayed in a 4,000 sq ft house overlooking Lake Tahoe. It was stunning.

The air was filled with romance and magic; Couples were everywhere conveying their best wishes for the bride and groom to be. I, on the other hand, was focused on socializing and appreciating the wine. Maybe a little too much...

You can all relate to this, I am sure. Just a month out of a breakup with "Big D," I found myself surrounded by happy couples and feeling very sentimental. So I picked up my iPhone and pulled the ol' alcohol-enhanced text-messaging trick. Most all singles I know have pulled this trick a time or too. Ironically, Big D had accidentally called me that same day, so his number was burned into my brain. I had painstakenly deleted it a month ago in order to avoid temptations such as these.

"Text him," says the Cabernet.

"He'll be happy to hear from you at 1am," chimes in the Merlot.

"Maybe he didn't accidentally call you," prodded the Cabernet.

"Do it!" they said in unison.

So there I was, texting Big D at 1am, all the while thinking that he would be happy to hear from me. He was...accomodating. Surprisingly, I did not get too mushy. Not too much to be embarassed about, or so I rationalized the next morning as I inhaled my Starbucks coffee.

The kicker is that my friends Cabernet and Merlot failed to remind me why we broke up in the first place. Big D is a good man, one who loved God and sought after him with all his heart. I think that humility before God is one the sexiest trait in a guy that I date. I don't want to first in his life, but I'll take a close second to God. Big D it seemed, was not quite yet available for that close second.

I pick up my iPhone today and delete his number, again. Tonight, I'm staying close friends with Evian.

1 comment:

  1. I love your friends, Cabernet & Merlot, when we are not driven by emotions...which is all the time! Duh, we are females! I too am a fan of your true friend, Evian....he keeps us going! You keep me laughin' girl! Muahh!
